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Sunday, January 28, 2007


Mr. Projector! Episode #10: "The Russians Are Here! The Russians Are Here!"

"The Russians Are Here! The Russians Are Here!"
(Mr. Projector! Episode #10)

ThinkStream Films (2007)

Mr. Projector has been abducted by two men (presumably under suspicion of being a communist spy), according to Libby Trapp, field reporter for Channel 27 KRBZ News!

One of the suspects is incredibly tall, and the other - well, pretty damn short.

Who will save the "red" in St. Valentine's Day? How will Mr. Projector make it out of this predicament? Only time will tell, friends.... Only time will tell....

View the teaser for Mr. Projector! Episode #10, "The Russians Are Here! The Russians Are Here!" Part 1, right here, then watch the show, when available! (We're looking at a Summer release!)

Subscribe to the Mr. Projector! video podcast through iTunes by clicking the iTunes button on the side bar (on the left).

Mr. Projector! TEASER: "The Russians Are Here! The Russians Are -

I can't wait for this episode of Mr. Projector!!! This is so cool!!!
"Cool," you say? Just wait until two strange men drag you unwillingly from your home under suspicion of being a communist spy. You won't think that's very "cool," Mr. Bell....

Glad you're looking forward to this, our most extravagant of episodes!

Keep watching!
I can't wait for this episode! I need to know whether or not Mr. Projector is really a spy! Sorry, but I must remain anonymous... I'm sure you understand, comrade.
Must be brief. Not alone for long. Thank GOD this dark, cold, musty, rat-infested interrogation chamber has Wi-Fi! Must not let them know I have access to the blog. Uh-oh.... I hear them coming. Must hide the xxxxxxxgtga........
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