Saturday, December 23, 2006
Mr. Projector! Episode #5: "Merry Christmas, Mr. Projector!"

Mr. Projector and ThinkStream Films wish you and yours a very happy and safe holiday week! Don’t forget to spread the word of Mr. Projector! cheer to all your friends, family, and acquaintances!
Happy Holidays!
View the teaser for Mr. Projector! Episode #5, "Merry Christmas, Mr. Projector!" here, then watch the show!
Subscribe to the Mr. Projector! podcast through iTunes by clicking the iTunes button on the side bar (on the left). To download "Merry Christmas, Mr. Projector!" directly from this blog, Right-click Here (ctrl + click on a Mac), select "Save Target As," then choose a location on your hard drive to save the episode.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
New Feature! Announcing "Projector Facts!"

What are Projector Facts?
Projector Facts are on-screen scrolling factoids and trivia from the world of today that bridge the gap between the educational films of yesteryear and the twenty-first century! You might think of Projector Facts as a kind of "then and now" snapshot of anything and everything over the past fifty or so years!

Take a sneak peak of this exciting new feature in this short clip from the fourth and final installment of Mr. Projector! Episode 4, "À Votre Santé!"
Get the final installment in the Mr. Projector! "À Votre Santé" series:
Subscribe to the Mr. Projector! podcast through iTunes by clicking the iTunes button on the side bar (on the left). To download "À Votre Santé: Food for Paris Markets, Part 2" directly from this blog, Right-click Here (ctrl + click on a Mac), select "Save Target As," then choose a location on your hard drive to save the episode.
About the Film:
Originally distributed as one of the first films in United World Films' ethnology series, "The Earth and its Peoples" (produced from 1948-1957), "Food for Paris Markets" provides a fascinating glimpse of rural life in post-war northern France, driven by the economic needs of one of the world's greatest cities, Paris.
Missed one of the four episodes in the Mr. Projector! "À Votre Santé" series? Download all four right here:
- À Votre Santé, Part 1
- Food for Paris Markets, Part 1
- À Votre Santé, Conclusion
- Food for Paris Markets, Conclusion
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Mr. Projector!: "À Votre Santé, Part 2" Now Available!

Stay tuned

Subscribe to the Mr. Projector! podcast through iTunes by clicking the iTunes button on the side bar (on the left). To download Episode 4, "À Votre Santé, Part 2" directly from this blog, Right-click Here and select "Save Target As," then choose a location on your hard drive to save the episode.
View the teaser for this week's show:
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Mr. Projector! Episode #4 Supplement, Part 1: "Food for Paris Markets" Now Available!

Originally distributed as one of the first films in United World Films' ethnology series, "The Earth and its Peoples" (produced from 1948-1957), "Food for Paris Markets" provides a fascinating glimpse of rural life in post-war northern France, driven by the economic needs of one of the world's greatest cities, Paris.

Thursday, December 07, 2006
"À Votre Santé" with Renee Sprokette!

View the teaser for Mr. Projector! Episode 4: "À Votre Santé," with special guest star and French chef extraordinaire, Renee Sprokette!
C'est si Bon!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Global Concepts in Maps (1947): "Those Conical Projections Look a Little Flat to Me...."

In this early Coronet gem (Ms. Coronet? Are you listening?), boy Danny just doesn't "get" why map projections are important for him to understand. Actually, neither do we after watching this film; but after an afternoon visit from the disembodied voice of our narrator, Danny seems to understand that global map projections are relevant and add some larger meaning to his life. Highly entertaining way of learning the various concepts of global cartography, from "conical projections," to "polar projections," every imaginable global map distortion is represented here!
Of special note is the involvement of Dr. Erwin Raisz (perhaps the most famous cartographer and scholar of cartography of the twentieth century, and who taught cartography at Harvard for twenty years; also serving post as Harvard's map curator) as principal collaborator in the production of this film! (Notice the Harvard banner used as a set prop in the film still above!)

Note: The following clip was taken directly from the original 16mm print and has been edited to a mere fraction of the film's original length.
Decimal Fractions (1948): "Eat Your Math!"

This hard-to-find print from Jason Hunt Productions explains the “what” and the “how” of fractions converted to decimals; though, as was typical with math education for the better part of the last century, neglects to explain the “why.”
Here, we have an epitomical representation of the “math vs. food” film phenomenon. See previous blog posting, “Math for Dessert” for a thorough examination of the subject.
So – go ahead, boys and girls: Eat your Math!

Note: The following clip was taken directly from the original 16mm print and has been edited to a mere fraction of the film's original length.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Mr. Projector! Episode #3: "Curse of the Hungry Puppet People!" Now Available!

Featuring the Rare Centron Classic,
YOUR FOOD (1956)
Bid on the complete, original 16mm print on eBay through 1/18/07!
Jump-start your weekend by downloading (and subscribing to) the Mr. Projector! video podcast! Episode three, "Curse of the Hungry Puppet People!" is now available!
Watch in amazement (or horror) as Mr. Projector (Devlin Rogue) battles the issue of holiday binge eating - with, yep, you guessed it - puppets! My goodness! What will they think of next?!
Subscribe to the Mr. Projector! podcast through iTunes by clicking the iTunes button on the side bar (on the left). To download Episode 3, "Curse of the Hungry Puppet People" directly from this blog, Right-click Here and select "Save Target As," then choose a location on your hard drive to save the episode.

Watch the trailer for Mr. Projector! Episode 3: "Curse of the Hungry Puppet People!" here, then download and watch the show!